balancing selection

Balancing Selection: methods, signatures, mechanisms

Balancing selection is an umbrella turn for several evolutionary mechanisms through which adaptive variation is maintained in populations. While it is often understood as simply overdominance or heterozygote advantage, it encompasses not only that mechanism, but also antagonistic selection, fluctuating selection in time/space, negative frequency dependent selection, to name a few.

Genome-wide analysis identifies genetic effects on reproductive success and ongoing natural selection at the FADS locus

Identifying genetic determinants of reproductive success may highlight mechanisms underlying fertility and also identify alleles under present-day selection. Using data in 785,604 individuals of European ancestry, we identify 43 genomic loci …

Signatures of long-term balancing selection in human genomes

A genomic perspective on HLA evolution

© 2017 The Author(s) Several decades of research have convincingly shown that classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loci bear signatures of natural selection. Despite this conclusion, many questions remain regarding the type of selective regime …

Heterogeneity of dN/dS Ratios at the Classical HLA Class I Genes over Divergence Time and Across the Allelic Phylogeny

© 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The classical class I HLA loci of humans show an excess of nonsynonymous with respect to synonymous substitutions at codons of the antigen recognition site (ARS), a hallmark of adaptive evolution. …